Pediatric Disaster Triage: Multiple Simulation Curriculum Improves Prehospital Care Providers' Assessment Skills
- Mark Cicero; Travis Whitfill; Frank Overly; Janette Baird; Barbara Walsh; Jorge Yarzebski; Antonio Riera; Kathleen Adelgais; Garth Meckler; Carl Baum; David Cone; Marc Auerbach
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This study looked at how well paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) can prioritize care for children in disaster situations. They trained 331 participants from three locations and tested their skills in disaster simulations. Participants' accuracy in triaging victims improved by 10% after receiving educational interventions like online modules and debriefings. Paramedics and paramedic students showed more improvement than EMTs. The biggest improvement was seen in correctly identifying patients needing urgent (RED) or delayed (YELLOW) care. The study suggests that this training program can significantly enhance the accuracy of triage decisions in emergency situations involving children.
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