Climate Change Resilience and Healthcare System Considerations
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Climate change poses significant threats to national security, environmental stability, and human health. The year 2020 witnessed over 20 climate-related disasters in the U.S., causing losses exceeding $1 billion. Climate models forecast a rise in adverse health impacts in the coming century, exacerbating existing and new health risks. To safeguard healthcare services, leaders in the public and private sectors, along with emergency management partners, must integrate climate change considerations into emergency preparedness and response strategies. This comprehensive document outlines climate trends in the U.S., emphasizing the effects of climate-related illnesses and injuries on healthcare operations, service delivery, and patient influx. It targets healthcare executives, emergency planners, and professionals from diverse healthcare, public health, and emergency management entities, offering key insights to enhance workforce, community, and at-risk population protection. Additionally, it aligns with ongoing federal climate initiatives and resources, such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Climate Action Plan, The White House Justice 40 Initiative, and reports from the U.S. Global Change Research Program and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. For further details on equity considerations, readers can refer to the ASPR TRACIE Disasters and Healthcare Disparity Topic Collection and the HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity.Tags
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