Climate Change for Health Professionals: A Pocket Book
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This pocket book serves as a crucial resource for physicians and clinicians, equipping them to identify the influence of meteorological risks associated with climate change in their medical practice. It offers concise and current information tailored to various clinical specialties. Climate change's detrimental effects on human health are increasingly evident worldwide, supported by scientific evidence linking climate change, meteorological risks, and health outcomes. Many health conditions are linked to extreme weather events like heatwaves, storms, and floods, although their symptoms are often nonspecific. Recognizing these conditions requires thorough patient history-taking, considering meteorological influences and potential medication side effects. By understanding and addressing these issues, clinicians can enhance patient care and mitigate the impact of climate change on health services. The book's introduction outlines the intricate relationship between climate change and health and highlights the roles of clinicians, public health officials, and healthcare authorities. It also provides guidance on maximizing patient care using this resource. The book's initial sections focus on the pathophysiology of diseases related to meteorological risks across different clinical areas, including cardiovascular, respiratory, kidney, eye, skin, vector-borne, gastrointestinal, neurological, mental health, and maternal/pediatric disorders. Subsequent sections delve into the factors influencing climate change's impact on health and healthcare services. The final section offers practical advice to patients and communities on reducing exposure to meteorological risks and fostering collaborative efforts to combat climate change.
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The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It does not substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.