Medication Dosing Safety for Pediatric Patients: Recognizing Gaps, Safety Threats, and Best Practices in the Emergency Medical Services Setting
- Mark Cicero; Kathleen Adelgais; John Hoyle; John Lyng; Matthew Harris; Brian Moore; Marianne Gausche-Hill
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This article addresses medication dosage safety for pediatric patients seen within the emergency departments to improve the knowledge of healthcare providers to ensure emergency preparedness and improved emergency skills capabilities . The article concludes that because The need for weight-based dosing in pediatric patients and variability in medication concentrations available in the EMS setting may require EMS providers to perform complex calculations to derive the appropriate dose to deliver. These factors can significantly increase the risk for harm when dose calculations are inaccurate or incorrect.targeted training such as information and skill building to develop effective family preparedness plans and connections to local emergency management and responders is beneficial.Tags
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